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Energy Efficiency Mentorship Program

The Energy Efficiency Mentorship Program (EEMP) is helping Indigenous building specialists to extend and deepen their knowledge and skills in energy efficiency. The program is also providing a good grounding for participants who are newer to the housing field.

>Interested in the mentorship program? Contact us about the next round of applications to join a new peer cohort.

>Interested in having your community host a workshop on energy efficiency? Now booking for 2025!

2023 EEMP training at BCIT

Photo: BCIT

On This Page


EEMP group 2023

EEMP program participants attended a three-day workshop at BCIT in October 2023 following a series of virtual training sessions. Photo: Darell Gaddie, FBC

The Fraser Basin Council and housing consultant Richard Hall of Nuxalk Nation are delivering the Energy Efficiency Mentorship Program (EEMP): Building Indigenous Capacity for Energy-Efficient Housing. This program is in partnership with the Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) and the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).

The EEMP program is supporting a cohort of eight participants from Indigenous communities who want to develop their capacity, skills and knowledge on energy-efficient homes and buildings. As part of the program, participants also agree to share their knowledge by helping to deliver introductory community workshops on energy efficiency in their respective regions.


Program Commitments

  • Experienced and entry level trainees attend six virtual Zoom training sessions (June to September 2023)

  • Experienced trainees also:

    • assist an Indigenous Building Professional from the previous cohort with delivering one to two in-community workshops within their regions (June to December 2023)

    • attend a three-day in-person workshop at BCIT (October 2023)

    • deliver two in-community workshops within their regions, paired up with a newly trained Indigenous Building Professional (December 2023 to August 2024)

Program participants take part in the program at no cost thanks to EEMP program funders.


Training Program

2023 EEMP-BCIT group photo

Trainers with 2023 EEMP program participants at BCIT workshop session. Photo: BCIT

The EEMP training program includes six virtual training sessions and a three-day in-person workshop, instructed by BCIT, AHMA and Richard Hall.

The EEMP virtual training sessions are complete for 2023-2024. The sessions covered:

  • Introduction to Community Energy Management
  • Introduction to Zero Energy Buildings
  • Resilient and Affordable Building Design
  • House As a System
  • Managing Renovations (Retrofits 101)
  • Building Conditions Assessment

The BCIT workshop was completed in October. It covered:

  • Zero Energy Buildings
  • Building Condition Assessments
  • Final Preparation for In-Community Training and “Energy Efficiency 101” training materials


Delivery of Community Workshops

EEMP workshop in 2023

An “Energy Efficiency 101” community workshop was held at the Skway First Nation near Chilliwack on October 13. A second workshop was held at the Shxw'ōwhámel First Nation near Hope on October 16  – with the EEMP training program participants providing support. In all, 10 workshops are rolling out in 2023-2024. Photo: Braidey Sturgeon

In addition to completing the EEMP training program, program participants help to deliver introductory workshops about energy efficiency solutions and practices, for both new construction and existing homes, for First Nations communities in their regions.


“I highly enjoyed this workshop would recommend it to all First Nations Housing departments. A very excellent workshop and an extremely knowledgeable speaker!””

— Community Workshop Participant

Would Your Community Like a Workshop? Now Booking for 2025!

Thanks to strong uptake, workshop spots now booked through 2024.

In 2025 10 in-community workshops are available for booking. Bring one to your community!

The community workshops on energy efficiency are very popular — and they are delivered to your community at no cost. 

The EEMP program can also provide financial support of $1,000 to assist with the cost of putting on the training, including venue hire and catering. Additional funding support is available for local Elders to open in a good way ($250) and for a local photographer ($175).

Workshops are designed for community staff members, encompassing Housing Staff, Asset Managers and Maintenance Crews, and all other interested community members can be encouraged to attend.

To schedule your 2025 community workshop, contact:

Darell Gaddie Program Lead
E:  | T: 236 888-1298


About Richard Hall

Richard Hall

Richard Hall of Nuxalk Nation has 35 years of experience in Indigenous housing as a Red Seal carpenter / builder, a capital project and housing manager, a housing consultant and building inspector.

Richard is now designing affordable, sustainable and energy-efficient homes that complement the climates of British Columbia’s west coast and that suit the cultural lifestyles of First Peoples.


Financial Support

The Energy Efficiency Mentorship Program is available to approved applicants at no cost.

Experienced Trainees

An experienced trainee participating in the full program is eligible to receive the following:

  • A training allowance of $850, paid to the trainee on completion of the online and three-day in-person training program

  • A fee of $750 to shadow and assist an Indigenous Building Professional at one to two introductory workshops

  • A fee of $1,250 to deliver each of the two introductory workshops to First Nations communities in their regions (total of $2,500)

  • Reimbursement of travel expenses, including transportation, accommodation and meals required for the in-person training course in Vancouver, and for travel expenses related to the introductory community workshops

Entry-Level Trainees

An entry-level trainee is eligible to receive:

  • a $500 learning stipend on completion of the online training program


For More Information

If the EEMP program is of interest or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Darell Gaddie, MBA, Program Lead

T: 236 888–1298 I E:

You can also provide contact details for any future program openings via our ONLINE APPLICATION FORM.


Program Funders

Thanks to program funders Vancity, BC Hydro, FortisBC and the Real Estate Foundation of BC. Thanks also to CleanBC, the Aboriginal Housing Management Association and the BC Institute of Technology for their in-kind support.

EEMP Funders

About the Fraser Basin Council

The Fraser Basin Council (FBC) is a charitable non-profit organization that brings people together to advance sustainability in British Columbia.

Where We Work

We are grateful to live and work on the unceded ancestral territories of the Indigenous Nations of British Columbia.

Our Vision

Social well-being supported by a vibrant economy and sustained by a healthy environment.

Strategic Priorities

At the Fraser Basin Council, our strategic priorities are to take action on climate change, support healthy watersheds and water resources, and build sustainable and resilient communities.

With our partners, we work on a range of collaborative, multi-sector initiatives, such as those focused on flood management, community wildfire planning, air quality improvement, energy-efficient buildings, green transportation (including the uptake of electric vehicles and expansion of charging infrastructure), watershed planning and youth-driven climate action projects.

FBC Program Sites

Plug in BC:


ReTooling for Climate Change:

FBC Youth:

Climate Action Toolkit: 

Salmon-Safe BC

Realizing UNDRIP Initiative

Contact Us

FBC staff work from our Vancouver, Kamloops, Williams Lake and Prince George offices, and from several other locations.

To reach us, see FBC Offices and FBC Staff or contact our administration office:

Fraser Basin Council
1st Floor, 470 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5

T: 604 488-5350
