Fraser Basin Council
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Climate Resilience in BC

Under climate change, BC communities are likely to experience more frequent intense weather events (storms, heavy precipitation, flood and drought), more days of extreme heat, and changes in natural ecological systems. Along with finding ways to reduce harmful emissions that drive climate change, there's a need for all leaders assess climate change impacts and adapt plans for greater resilience.


New! CONEXT: Climate Preparedness Hub

What is CONEXT?

CONEXT is a new climate preparedness program to empower community leaders and staff in small, rural and remote communities in BC in adapting to climate change and building resilience. The program runs from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025. Participants should expect to dedicate between 20-25 hours in total, including online sessions and assignments.

The goal of CONEXT is to empower community leaders to navigate the next steps in their climate journey with confidence. Apply now to join!

How will Communities Benefit?

BC communities that join CONEXT will collaborate with our team to develop tailored climate preparedness action plans and initiatives based on their unique needs and challenges. Participants will benefit from:

  • Collaborative Learning: Engage with a network of community leaders, experts and knowledge-holders working towards similar goals.
  • Practical Training: Our curriculum is designed to be practical and applicable, allowing you to apply what you learn directly to your community’s needs.
  • Guidance and Support: Interactive workshops and coaching offer personalized support to help you make meaningful progress.
  • Resource Hub: Access a comprehensive collection of tools, templates, and resources to assist you wherever you are at in your climate preparedness journey.

Learn More and Apply

CONEXT: Climate Preparedness Hub

For more details, see the CONEXT project brochure.


To join CONEXT, please submit your application online by July 31, 2024.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact:

Rebeka MacDonald, Fraser Basin Council


CONEXT Project Team Organizations

This project is a collaborative effort led by a diverse team of organizations committed to enhancing climate resilience across British Columbia.



CONEXT is a three-year project supported by Natural Resources Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Program. Resources and lessons learned will be shared to support broader adoption of climate preparedness strategies across Canada.

Natural Resources Canada

Community Climate Preparedness Workshop Series

Community Workshops Case Study

The Fraser Basin Council works with local governments in small communities and First Nations to take early steps on climate change preparedness.

Here is a look at a Community Climate Preparedness Workshop Series, hosted within the BC Regional Adaptation Collaborative. This 2023 case study sums up:

  • key takeaways on the workshop series on adaptation and engagement planning processes
  • successes and challenges of BC communities in taking on climate preparedness work

The workshop series was managed by FBC and delivered by SHIFT Collaborative.

Climate Risk Network

The Climate Risk Network, with facilitation support from FBC, brings together people who have responsibilities that focus on climate change adaptation. The network strengthens relationships among people in government, public agencies, the academic community, non-profits and other organizations. Since 2015, network members have met regularly to:

  • share information on climate risk and adaptation activities in BC
  • identify gaps in existing programs and policies with respect to climate risk
  • facilitates the strategic development of new activities, policies or programs to fill gaps

To learn more, contact Eliana Chia (E: ).


About the Fraser Basin Council

The Fraser Basin Council (FBC) is a charitable non-profit organization that brings people together to advance sustainability in British Columbia.

Where We Work

We are grateful to live and work on the unceded ancestral territories of the Indigenous Nations of British Columbia.

Our Vision

Social well-being supported by a vibrant economy and sustained by a healthy environment.

Strategic Priorities

At the Fraser Basin Council, our strategic priorities are to take action on climate change, support healthy watersheds and water resources, and build sustainable and resilient communities.

With our partners, we work on a range of collaborative, multi-sector initiatives, such as those focused on flood management, community wildfire planning, air quality improvement, energy-efficient buildings, green transportation (including the uptake of electric vehicles and expansion of charging infrastructure), watershed planning and youth-driven climate action projects.

FBC Program Sites

Plug in BC:


ReTooling for Climate Change:

FBC Youth:

Climate Action Toolkit: 

Salmon-Safe BC

Realizing UNDRIP Initiative

Contact Us

FBC staff work from our Vancouver, Kamloops, Williams Lake and Prince George offices, and from several other locations.

To reach us, see FBC Offices and FBC Staff or contact our administration office:

Fraser Basin Council
1st Floor, 470 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5

T: 604 488-5350
