Shuswap Watershed Council
2023-2024 Water Quality ReportNEW! The SWC has completed its eighth annual report on water quality in the Shuswap watershed. See sections on:
2023-2024 Annual ReportTake a look at the Shuswap Watershed Council's work over the past year in the 2023-2024 SWC Annual Report. Shuswap Watershed Council in BriefThe Shuswap Watershed Council (SWC) was established in 2014 as a watershed-based partnership of several organizations with an interest or responsibility for protecting water quality. There are up to 22 members that represent three regional districts, two municipalities, the Secwepemc Nation, three provincial government agencies and Shuswap communities. The SWC is a collaborative, non-regulatory group that focuses on strategic initiatives to protect, maintain and enhance water quality and to promote safe recreation in the Shuswap. The SWC works alongside organizations that have regulatory roles in managing the Shuswap watershed, complementing their work and carefully avoiding duplication. The Fraser Basin Council, a BC non-profit organization established in 1997, provides staff services to the Shuswap Watershed Council.
SWC MEETINGSThe next meeting of the Shuswap Watershed Council is on September 11 (9:30 am to 12 noon) at the CSRD Boardroom in Salmon Arm. SWC meetings are open to the public. You can find the meeting schedule, past meeting highlights and summaries as well as agendas and materials for upcoming meetings on the meetings page. KEEP THE SHUSWAP FREE OF INVASIVE MUSSELSThe Shuswap is at risk of being invaded by aquatic invasive mussels. It sounds like a science fiction flick, doesn’t it? It’s not – it’s a very real threat, and we all need to do our part to prevent it. If you are coming to BC with a watercraft, you MUST stop at watercraft inspection stations on your route. Whether you're a visitor or a resident, and whether you’re boating, paddling or fishing, you have a role to play keeping invasive mussels away. Here's what you need to do. SWC FAQsInterested in the work of the Shuswap Watershed Council? Take a look at some of our most Frequently Asked Questions! REPORT WATER QUALITY ISSUES & INVASIVE SPECIESWhether you live or vacation in the Shuswap, you can play an important part in the early detection of water quality concerns or invasive species in the watershed. Here are some links for making a report. Take a look! STAY CURRENT
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