BC CLEAR Projects 2011-2012 (funding start dates) > Multi-Attribute Valuation of Air Quality Effects: An Application to Local Energy Options posted on 7:01 PM, July 6, 2016
Project Leader: Lee Failing Many communities in BC are currently exploring options to develop district energy systems to meet sustainability goals. Some of these options deliver benefits related to cost and greenhouse gas reductions, but may have air quality and other sustainability implications. Stakeholder support for different district energy systems tends to be mixed, the reasons for which are poorly understood. This project has three objectives: to explore stakeholder perceptions and values with respect to air quality; to demonstrate the use of multi-attribute evaluation methods to explore trade-offs among a range of competing objectives (expected to include local air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, aesthetics, cost and energy security, among others); and to help develop a rigorous, transparent and repeatable process for municipalities to incorporate stakeholder values in local energy and air quality decisions. In partnership with the City of Vancouver and BC Hydro, the project engages a multi-stakeholder group in a series of workshops to explore choices among neighbourhood-scale energy options (including biomass, natural gas and heat pumps) in a Lower Mainland context. |